N1-A0-O36/18 (Acute)

N1-F21-O36/18 (Chronic)
Click to download the datasheet
12 µLEDs, 10 x 15 µm each, 3 per shank
Emission Peak λ = 460 nm and FWHM = 40 nm
Typical irradiance of 33 mW/mm² (@ max operating current of 100 µA)
32 recording channels, 8 per shank
Electrode impedance of 1000 - 1500 kΩ at 1 kHz
Noise floor ≤ 5 µVrms using an Intan RHD2132 Amplifier Board
< 50µVpk-pk stimulation artifact [1]
5 mm shank length, < 2g total weight
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The optoelectrodes are fabricated on a GaN-on-silicon substrate with recording sites and precisely defined µLEDs (10 x 15 µm), allowing for simultaneous recording and local optogenetic stimulation with < 50µVpk-pk stimulation artifact. For chronic experiments, the N1-F21-O36/18 (right, below) features an extremely durable, yet flexible cable allowing for light-weight stereotactic head fixtures. For acute experiments, we recommend the N1-A0-O36/18 (left, below).

For recording from the 32 electrodes, we recommend an Intan RHD2132 pre-amp headstage and an RHD2000 interface board. For stimulation, we recommend an open-source µLED driver system, OSC1Lite, which provides everything required for independent channel stimulation with custom waveform (software, battery, usb cable, Omnetics cable, etc). For stereotactic insertion, we recommend our 3D printable microdrive. The µLED driver system, 3D printable microdrive and an instructional surgery video can be found on the GitHub Microdrive.
Optogenetic-control of local neural circuits in awake, behaving studies
Square-wave excitation for precise timing control
Sine-wave excitation for graded modulation
Chronic optogenetics where a microdrive is used for fine-tune positioning

Optional for chronic use where position control is desired
Total travel –
Mouse – 2.6 mm
Rat – 5.7 or 8.9 mm
Resolution, distance per turn – 280 µm
3D printable CAD files are available for download at this GitHub page

Recording connector: 36-pin Omnetics ​​
(NPD-36-AA-GS, top)
Stimulation connector: 18-pin polarized Omnetics
(PZN-18-AA, bottom)

Intan RHD2132 Recording Channel Map